This month, The Myers Firm secured a large settlement for a PATH substation electrician. The employee was injured when he was getting out of a Deluxe Delivery System shuttle van at Journal Square, and the van driver started to drive off.

The employee was attempting to remove a backpack, which became snagged on a seat. Holding onto the bag, the employee’s body twisted hard to the right, causing the employee to suffer bilateral carpal tunnel injuries as well as injuries to his cervical and lumbar spine.

The Myers Firm filed suit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Manhattan, suing both PATH and Deluxe Delivery Systems. Depositions were taken of the employee, the driver and a passenger on the van.

The case was mediated before Federal Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses on February 6, 2020, at the federal courthouse in Manhattan. After several hours of negotiation, The Myers Firm persuaded the defendants not only to pay the client $750,000 but agreed the client would not have to repay $125,000 in PATH medical and wage liens, making the total settlement value of the case $875,000.